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courses and services for language testing

ALTE Courses               

ALTE offers regular training opportunities for assessment professionals, teachers, language schools owners and staff, and all those with an interest in the use and design of language assessment. 

Our range of courses varies from our standard, renowned courses to bespoke training, aimed at a particular need of an organisation. 

Please see below, or check our Events page, to find out which courses will be taking place soon.

Discover how ALTE can help you and your organisation 

ALTE offers a range of courses for both member, and non-member organisations, from short to longer courses. Please see our revised and updated offer below:

ALTE Short courses

Our short courses (1-3 days long) aim at assessment professionals, and may be tailored depending on your needs. Before we start the course, we will ask you to fill in a short form, so we can actually learn and see what it is that you need in more detail. 

In our offer of ALTE courses we have: 

We offer both an online delivery of the courses (MS Teams), or face-to-face courses. 
Face-to-face courses usually take place before ALTE's conferences. 

If a course that you're interested in is not listed above, please get in touch with the Services Unit. We may create a bespoke course, or add new courses to the list. 

Contact the ALTE Services Unit: for more information.

ALTE Long courses

ALTE long courses usually take up to two weeks, and consist of online tutorials, independent, offline work, and tutor support.

ALTE's course 'Introductory Course in Language Testing' runs twice a year, in March and in September. 

To register for the September 2024 edition please click here: REGISTRATION

Check our Events page to sign-up for the upcoming course.

More courses are available upon request by members and non-members organisations.  Contact the ALTE Services Unit: for more information.

ALTE Consultancy Services 

ALTE Consultancy services is a new feature that ALTE now offers.

Our expertise in many areas of language assessment makes us a great
partner to advise on topics like: language assessment for governments, language assessment policy, language assessment for migration purposes, language policy frameworks, CEFR aligned curriculum, test adaptation, technology in language assessment, and many others.

Our staff and collaborating consultants are experts in their respective fields,
and are happy to share their expertise to improve language testing around
the world.

Please get in touch with the ALTE Services Unit: to find out more. 

ALTE Services Unit 

ALTE Services Unit is a new unit within the ALTE Secretariat. The Unit deals with courses
and trainings for both member and non-member organisations, arranges all courses and consultancy services.

The ALTE Services Unit Manager, Kasia Woźniak, will help you with any query you may have.
Please do not hesitate to contact us: 

Validation Unit

The ALTE Services Unit also offers a range of services to exam providers and to small teams working in language assessment. This includes statistical analysis of exams and items, analysis of rater performance, reports on candidate characteristics, research into exam and language use at regional and national level, preparation for audits, editing and review of reports, and preparation of articles or presentations on assessment. 

Recent undertaken projects have included:

  • Rasch and item analysis reports on the performance of items in pre-testing and live testing;
  • Analysis of rater performance in speaking and writing assessment;
  • Review of articles on training and monitoring of raters pre-submission to academic journals;
  • Research on the impact of introducing external assessment into national secondary education;
  • Pre-submission review of audit documentation for exam providers;
  • EU Funded research and a report on the use of the host country language in the workplace by migrant workers.
If you would like to request support in any of the offered services, please contact the ALTE Services Unit: 
Support is available for teams and individuals from both member and external organisations. 

 ALTE - the Association of Language Testers in Europe is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), registered in England, charity number 1184799.

Spanish Translation © Instituto Cervantes and University of Salamanca 2024 | French Translation © France Éducation International 2024 | Italian Translation © University for Foreigners, Perugia 2024 | Dutch Translation © CNaVT 2024 | Romanian Translation © Babeş-Bolyai University 2024 |  | Portuguese Translation © CAPLE-University of Lisbon 2023 | Swedish Translation © Stockholm University 2024 | Catalan Translation © Generalitat de Cataluyna 2024 | German Translation © Goethe Institut and ÖSD 2024

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